Requires a minimum Association Membership of (10) Months, members are elected to 3-year terms by Association vote. The School Board is given the responsibility for the establishment, guidance, and spiritual headship in the operation of the school. The Board of Directors is the policy setting body of the school, with the school administrator having the responsibility for the implementation of the Board’s policies. Time commitment is attendance at all Association Meetings, Board of Director meetings held monthly from 7:30 -10:30 p.m. and committee meetings monthly as scheduled.
Justin Blair (President), Matthew Whistler (Vice President), Angela Fox (Treasurer) and Tina McElroy (Secretary).
Recommend to the Board of Directors how Christian education might be strengthened by: holding public promotional meetings, securing and distributing development literature, etc. Cooperate with the Membership Committee in providing literature, making personal calls, etc.
- Booster Club (Ranelle Hazelton – Booster Club President)
The Booster Club is to support and encourage the athletes and the coaches in the athletic program at Faith Christian. The Booster Club will strive to promote a spirit of caring as we share our abilities and resources for the building up of the sport’s program.
- Parent-Teacher Fellowship (Christine Eberhardt – PTF President)
The Parent-Teacher Fellowship(PTF) is to provide a supportive role in meeting the stated goals and objectives of the school and to promote a spirit of caring and sharing among parents, faculty and friends.
Requires minimum Association Membership in one (1) year. Investigate the qualifications of the administrator, principals and teachers and make recommendations concerning the same to the Board of Directors. Keep itself informed regarding scholastic standing and Christian character of instructions given, courses of study, discipline, final examinations, and all other matters pertaining to education policy. Act in the capacity of an admissions committee to consider applications, for appeal in student enrollment and make recommendations to the Board.
Prepare a budget for the ensuing year and present it to the Board for approval. Make recommendations to the Board concerning children whose parents are unable financially to support their children in the school. Make suggestions to the Board as to ways in which the school’s income might be increased and expenses lowered. Provide for an annual audit of the Treasurer’s accounts.
Based on the vision and mission statements of Faith Christian, the committee works on a future plan to identify the necessary goals, measurable objectives, programs and activities required for future decision making. The long-range plan is presented to the Board of Directors for approval and implementation.
Requires minimum Association Membership of one (1) year, members serve a 2-year term, and are elected by Association vote. Duties: resent all applicants for membership in this Association to the Board of Directors with recommendations pertinent thereto. Constantly seek to increase the membership of the Association by making personal contacts with Christians who are non-members.
Make recommendation to the Board of Directors for an adequate building (or buildings) for the school to utilize. Acquire and maintain in good condition all equipment that is used in the operation of the school (or schools). Continually try to devise more economical and efficient means of providing necessary buildings, and repairs.
Maintain all existing phone and computer systems. Run wires throughout facilities for additional computer systems/Phones/printers. Add/Remove appropriate software for computer classroom based on schedule. Maintain/Update Faith Christian Website. Prepare and maintain a budget for all projects. Approve software/hardware for school use. Maintain LAN and implement repairs and improvements as needed.
The Spiritual Life committee seeks to enhance and mature the spiritual lives of FCS students through community service, spiritual emphasis days, chapel services, and Biblical counseling
Call 610-588-3414 or email for information on volunteering opportunities.