
Read Faith’s 20:20 Vision Letter

The Board would like to share with you our new 20:20 vision campaign for Faith Christian School. Just imagine a revitalized playground, renovated facilities, state of the art teaching technology, a teacher for each classroom including a technology teacher, and 20 students per class.

Our goal is to raise $220,000 each year to make Faith Christian School a self-sustaining school by the year 2020. It is with excitement and expectancy that we are trusting God to do great things through this four-year campaign. We are fervently praying He leads YOU to join us in this adventure.

According to ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) most Christian schools must fundraise about 30% of their annual operating cost each year. Faith Christian School is dependent upon the generous gifts of donors to bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of education.

The board has made some very tough decisions over the last two years. This year we have combined first and second grades, third and fourth grades, and fifth and sixth grades. The board is aware that it is not favorable for our students or for their parents to continue to have combined classes, yet we do not have the funds or enrollment to support a teacher for each class. Faith, on average, has needed to fundraise about 15-18% of its operating cost each year, but this year we must fundraise 28% of our operating cost or $101,000.

Faith’s 20:20 Vision – His Mission, Their Future is based on 2 Chronicles 20:20, “Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, ‘Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.’” We do have faith in the Lord our God and He will uphold us. Faith Christian School has felt the upholding hand of our God over the last 36 years and we have faith that He will continue to uphold us.

The goals of this campaign are:

1.    20 Students Per Class – This campaign would direct necessary funds toward strategically focused marketing both internally and externally, with a goal of increasing enrollment to 20 students per class by the year 2020. At that point, Faith would be a self-sustaining school.

2.    20 Staff Members – This campaign would eliminate combined classes.  To fully staff a K-12 Christian school requires a teacher for every grade as well as for art, music, gym, technology, and a principal with two administrative assistants.

3.    2020 Property Upgrades – Internally we will do some major improvements to our facility to attract new families to FCS. We will improve our playground, spruce up our facilities by painting the entire inside of the buildings adding color, artwork, and murals.  Major funds will be invested into leading edge technology, including additional interactive smartboards in our classrooms.

The FCS Board of Directors has committed themselves to this campaign financially and through prayer and fasting. Please join the board and partner with Faith Christian School through this campaign starting first with your prayers. Secondly you can participate through financial giving. Your giving to support Faith Christian School will enable us to continue our mission to prepare young people to serve and impact the world for Jesus Christ.  The only way this campaign will be a success is if the Lord spurs people to give. If you already give to FCS we are asking that you prayerfully consider contributing beyond your regular giving for the next four years through 2020. We will be personally contacting you to hear the plan that God has impressed upon you for your part in Faith’s 20:20 Vision – His Mission, Their Future.

Thank you for partnering with us,

Faith Christian School Board

122 Dante Street * Roseto, PA  18013-1259 * 610-588-3414 * Fax: 610-588-8103


Member of the Association of Christian Schools International


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