August 2024 Update
Since our latest letter, an additional $16,750 of the $16,959 renovation shortfall has been donated, just $209 more and the shortfall is covered. Praise the Lord!
We need $14,085 to make it to our goal of $200,000.
Summer 2024 Update
Dear Family and Friends,
We would like to update you on the progress of the FCS capital campaign “Expanding the Legacy of Faith at 314 Lincoln Avenue”. Kindergarten through Second Grade are located at Lincoln – now referred to as the Lower Elementary Building. The Library and Fifth Grade are located at the Upper Elementary Building (the new name for South Campus).
Our theme verse for this campaign continues to be: 2 Timothy 3:14-15 “You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
We continue to trust that God is leading our steps.
Here are the highlights of the two years:
- August 2022; FCS was able to purchase the property for $329,900
- October 2022- January 2023: FCS worked with engineers to have site plans and blue prints made to meet the Borough’s requirements.
- January & February 2023: FCS has met with the Zoning Officer, Planning Board, and Zoning Board numerous times.
- March 2023: we were given a permit that allowed the demolition of the inside of the building to begin. We were not permitted to do any rebuilding at that time.
- June 2023: Roseto Zoning Board meeting, we were granted a “special exception” to be zoned as a school at 314 Lincoln Ave. and shortly after given the permit to rebuild the inside of the building. PRAISE the LORD!!
- July 2023 – April 2024: Gene Boyer and his team renovated 314 Lincoln Ave.
- June 3-7, 2024: MOVING WEEK!!
It may have been unexpected to us, but God is never surprised. Anyone who has ever done a renovation project knows there may be unexpected problems to fix once you start opening walls. A few unexpected problems hit our budget hard.
- The roof could not be repaired; it needed to be replaced. A BIG thank you to Overmyer Roofing for giving us a good deal on the angled and flat roofs.
- The subfloor under the tile in the foyer and Library was rotted out due to the leaking flat roof, so it was all replaced. We all know how expensive plywood has gotten.
- While walls and ceiling were open we ran all new Internet and communication wiring and added an internet boosting antenna to connect our campuses.
- Inflation continued to impact the cost of building materials.
We know God is sufficient and is moving in His people and the FCS family to make this renovation and mortgage payoff possible. Since the start of this project God’s people have given or pledged $169,264.70 for the new building. Praise the Lord! The expenses for the building are at $186,223.72. We have exceeded our funds by $16,959.02, which is not too bad for a renovation project of this size. The last project to finish over the summer is ordering and installing security cameras and the recording system. This is expected to take us to, or very near, the $200,000 mark.
This fund shortfall must come from somewhere. If we do not raise the funds through this capital campaign it will have to be taken out of operating funds. It is our goal to have this property paid off within 3 to 5 years after completing renovations and moving in, or sooner if God allows.
We know that God gives each of us opportunities to steward the funds He has entrusted us, to make an eternal impact. Did you know this letter will go out to over 900 addresses? Everyone who receives this the letter has been a part of FCS in some way—a parent, grandparent, alumni, staff, coach, board member, volunteer, donor. If each letter recipient donated just $50, the renovation short-fall up to $200,000 would be wiped out and $14,264.70 would be left over to pay down the current mortgage balance of $211,000. Imagine if everyone donated $100 or $200! Please pray as to what the Holy Spirit would have you do.
Thank you to those of you who have already given and pledged to Expanding Faith’s Legacy. FCS is truly blessed by you!
We know that God is enduring and using FCS to preserve a remnant of Christian young people who will be able to stand up against a culture that says, “It is futile to serve God” or claims, “There is no God.” The Faith Christian School graduate is prepared to be a person of biblical vision and influence. It is our goal to produce Christian leaders in every field so that FCS graduates can transform the world for Jesus Christ. This building will allow us to continue to grow, educate, and disciple students and their families for many years to come.
We want to Praise God for His provision and faithfulness!
Please join us on Thursday, August 22, 2024, for a dedication service for Lincoln Ave. Doors open at 6:00 pm for tours, and the dedication will begin at 7:00 pm.
The FCS Board of Directors thank you for your continued support and prayers as we look to the Lord to expand our borders and the legacy of Faith Christian School.
In His Service,
Justin Blair
FCS Board of Directors, President
Donations are available to be made online via PayPal by clicking the donate icon, all major credit cards are accepted through PayPal.
Checks should be made payable to Faith Christian School:
Faith Christian School
Attn: “Expanding the Legacy of Faith”
122 Dante Street
Roseto, PA 18013
Previous Updates
We will be posting updates of progress here, so be sure to check back frequently to see progress. We are also looking for volunteers. FCS is relying on the generosity of our school community’s time and skills to transform the Lower Elementary in order to keep costs down. We did it in 1980 when FCS opened and again in 1999 when parents and friends transformed an old rundown textile blouse factory into our current K-4 elementary building. WE can do it again! If you have a flexible schedule and would like to help you are welcome. You do not need to be skilled in construction, we will let you know what to do.
Faith Christian is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and your contributions are tax deductible. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Donations are available to be made online via PayPal by clicking the donate icon, all major credit cards are accepted through PayPal.
Checks should be made payable to Faith Christian School:
Faith Christian School
Attn: “Expanding the Legacy of Faith”
122 Dante Street
Roseto, PA 18013
Questions? Looking for additional information?
We would love to speak with you! Please contact Janel Trout FCS Director of Marketing & Development at 610-588-8815