FCS Booster Club 3V3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER WHEN: Friday, March 10th; Gym opens at 5:30PM; Play begins at 6:00PM CONCESSIONS: Hot dogs, chips, drinks available along with bake sale items WHERE: in FCS Gym WHY: To have FUN and raise money for Booster Club (to 
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We are gearing up to spread the word to the world about the Gospel! Since 2008, Faith Christian School K-12 students have been given the opportunity to assemble Bibles with Bearing Precious Seed. These small Bibles (John & Romans) spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ 
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This video was created by Miss Dempsey for the FCS Legacy Gala 2023!
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The FCS Gala Team has already started planning for this spring’s FCS Gala and Silent Auction, “Expanding Faith’s Legacy” coming up on April, 22, 2023, at Blue Mountain Ski Resort. This is always a great event with amazing items, themed baskets, things to do, and 
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Call the office at 610-588-3414 to make an appointment for a tour of our school.
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