Dear Family and Friends,

We would like to update you on the progress of the FCS capital campaign “Expanding the Legacy of Faith at 314 Lincoln Ave.” This building will be our new Lower Elementary Campus housing kindergarten through 2nd grade. The Board is excited about this opportunity and asks that you continue praying for provision as we move forward. Our theme verse for this campaign continues to be:

2 Timothy 3:14-15
“You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

In September of 2021, we were not looking to purchase a building, but we know God’s timing is perfect! It may have been unexpected to us, but He was never surprised.

∙ In November 2021, FCS learned of an opportunity to purchase a property on the far side of the school playground at 314 Lincoln Avenue.
∙ In December 2021, the FCS Board of Directors toured the property and recognized it could be a great addition to the school.

∙ In January of 2022, after reviewing the proposed budget, which included the property purchase and conservative estimates of mortgage, utilities, etc., the FCS Association voted to allow the Board to move forward with acquiring 314 Lincoln Avenue.

∙ In August 2022, FCS was able to purchase the property for $329,900.

We know God is faithful. As the Psalmist says in the beginning of verse 7, chapter 37, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;” the year, since the purchase of the building, has been an exercise in patience. We thank all of you who have been praying diligently with the school leadership as we have been waiting upon the Lord.

We continue to trust that God is leading our steps. Here are the highlights of the past several months:

∙ FCS has been working with engineers to have site plans and blue prints made to meet the Borough’s requirements.

∙ FCS has met with the Zoning Officer, Planning Board, and Zoning Board numerous times.

∙ In March 2023, we were given a permit that allowed the demolition of the inside of the building to begin. We were not permitted to do any rebuilding at that time.

∙ At the June 22, 2023, Roseto Zoning Board meeting, we were granted a “special exception” to be zoned as a school at 314 Lincoln Ave. and shortly after given the permit to rebuild the inside of the building. PRAISE the LORD!!

∙ Gene Boyer, our general contractor, is estimating 90 days to have the reconstruction completed and all inspections completed.

∙ After completion of reconstruction the Roseto Borough will issue FCS a certificate of occupancy.

∙ Once FCS has the certificate of occupancy, the building will have to be inspected by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and issued an Administrative Unit Number (AUN) to function as a recognized private school in Pennsylvania.

It was our hope to have all this done in May of 2023 and be moved in for the start of the coming school year. However, we know God’s timing is perfect. Moving classes once the school year has begun is not ideal, but we know God will bring the FCS family together to get it done. Once FCS has the AUN from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, FCS will need many hands to move classes over to the Lower Elementary Campus, then other classes will move over to the Upper Elementary Campus previously known as South Campus.

We know God is sufficient and is moving in His people and the FCS family to make this renovation and mortgage payoff possible. Since launching the Capital Campaign in September of 2023 for 314 Lincoln Ave., over $118,000 has been given and pledged so far. Gene believes the cost of renovations should fall within that number. Any funds left over from construction will go toward the principle of the mortgage. It is our goal to have this property paid off within 3 to 5 years, or sooner if God allows.

We know God is trustworthy for He has brought us this far, and we continue to trust Him for wisdom and guidance. There are many tasks in front of us, but we have no doubt that the FCS family is ready for this challenge, just as our founders were when they moved into the main building in 1980 and took possession of the Upper Elementary Campus previously known as South Campus (a former blouse factory) in 1995. It was parents and volunteers that turned those buildings into usable classrooms. We can do it again! We are looking for volunteers to help in some aspects of this renovation with flooring, painting, and decorating. If you would like to be one of our construction volunteers, please let Janel Trout (FCS Director of Marketing & Development) know and she will get you on Gene Boyer’s list.

We know that God gives each of us opportunities to steward the funds He has entrusted to us, in order to make an eternal impact. Thank you to those of you who have already given and pledged to Expanding Faith Legacy. FCS is truly blessed by you! We currently have 130 families at Faith, over 500 alumni and 400 active donors. We could pay off the whole FCS mortgage in no time if everyone participates. Please pray as to what the Holy Spirit would have you do.

We know that God is enduring and using FCS to preserve a remnant of Christian young people that will be able to stand up against a culture that says, “It is futile to serve God” or claim, “There is no God.” The Faith Christian School graduate is prepared to be a person of biblical vision and influence. It is our goal to produce Christian leaders in every field so that FCS graduates can transform the world for Jesus Christ. This building will allow us to continue to grow, educate, and disciple students and their families for many years to come.

The FCS Board of Directors would like to thank you for your continued support and prayers as we look to the Lord to expand our borders and the legacy of Faith. Checkout the FCS Facebook for more pictures and updates to come.
In His Service,

Justin Blair
FCS Board of Directors, President

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