The week of February 13-February 17 is Spirit Week at FCS!  We hope you will all participate in the activities planned for the week as we strive to show school spirit and enthusiasm, ending with a special tribute to the FCS basketball teams on Friday. The class that has the highest participation for the week will receive a free ice cream party hosted by the Student Council.

MONDAY–  “Relaxed Day”! Enjoy a day of comfy clothes by wearing your favorite sweat pants, hoodies, and slippers. Sweat pants should be comfy but modest with no writing or images across the posterior. Keep in mind that leggings/jeggings and jeans are NOT sweat pants and are not allowed on this day.

TUESDAY– Wear Red/White/Pink tops or pants (no jeans) for Valentine’s Day! In addition, we will be giving out carnations and having ice cream sundaes and root beer floats for the high school during eighth period in the gym.

Elementary grades will receive their carnations and ice cream at lunchtime or at a time decided by their teachers. Order forms for carnations and ice cream have already been sent home.

WEDNESDAY– “Tacky Tourist Day”! Dig out those jazzy tropical shirts and sunglasses, and yes, you may also wear jeans. We’re really hoping to see some of the guys in plaid bermuda shorts, flowered shirts, white socks with sandals, and binoculars hanging from their necks.  A great look!

THURSDAY–  “Twins/Triplets Day”! Find a buddy, or two, and dress like identical twins or triplets. Let’s see if anyone can tell you apart. No jeans for this day.

FRIDAY– “Blue and White Day”!  Today we celebrate our love and loyalty to FCS as we proudly wear its colors. Jeans are allowed, but they are not your “blue”; you must wear royal blue and white tops or FCS sports or logo wear to be allowed to wear jeans.  We will end the morning (it’s a half day) with a short “pep rally” in the gym as we honor our basketball players.

Looking forward to a great time of fun and school spirit!

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