THE LION’S DEN – PTF School Store Thursday, May 23rd Items to be sold include pencils, pens, erasers, notepads, pencil sharpeners, novelty items and more! Most prices range from $.25 – $3.00 per item. School Store is open to Kindergarten thru 8th grades. Cash or 
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Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! We are moving into our Lincoln Avenue building! We will move in stages, since some can’t move until others have vacated a space. On Monday, June 3: Kindergarten and 1st and 2nd grades will move from South Campus to the new 
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Field Day will be moved to the rain date, Friday, May 24th. Please be sure to pack a lunch for your student tomorrow, May 10th. Volunteers will be contacted to confirm that they are still available for 5/24. If you did not volunteer for 5/10, 
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Attention Families of FCS: We are happy to announce that after a huge success last summer, Coach Dempsey is hosting our Lions Soccer Camp this summer! July 29 – August 2, 2024 Available to students entering 2nd-8th grades. Please see the registration form, the deadline is coming soon!
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Call the office at 610-588-3414 to make an appointment for a tour of our school.
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