The PTF is excited to announce the 2nd CRAFT CLUB of the 2022-2023 school year. Wednesday, January 18th 2:30 – 3:30pm in the FCS Gym Hot chocolate and cookies will be included. Craft Club is open to students K-12th Grade. Please RSVP by January 11th.
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The Lion’s Epistle The Faith Christian School Newspaper Did you know Christmas is still being celebrated in some countries? You can find out more about Christmas traditions, Duck Mania landing at our school, a talented young FCS artist and more in our most recent issue 
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Read/Print Newsletter Dear Parents, Grandparents, Alumni, and Friends of Faith: We all know the commonwealth of Pennsylvania mandates 180 days of in-class instruction for kindergarten through 12th grades. That is 2,340 days, 6.4 years, or 14,040 hours (without sports). That is a lot of time. 
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Technology & Security Third Annual Faith Christian School GIVING TUESDAY Campaign Faith Christian School is going to participate in its 3rd Giving Tuesday campaign on November 29th. Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, people around the world will 
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Update from 2021 Giving Tuesday In 2022 Faith Christian School participated in our second Giving Tuesday campaign: “Shocking Creativity” AEDs and 3D Printers. Our goal was to raise $5,000 for two projects: Project #1: Purchase two AEDs one to be placed at North Campus for public 
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Schedule A Visit Today INFO
Call the office at 610-588-3414 to make an appointment for a tour of our school.
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