PARENTS IN PRAYER – Grandparents are welcome, too! Begins this Friday, September 27th Join us in the library at FCS on Fridays from 7:45 to 8:15am Drop your students off then come in and pray with us. Please email the office at with any 
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Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day!! As we come together with our families this Thanksgiving Day holiday, let us not forget all that we are thankful to God for and how He has blessed each of our lives and families in various ways!! It is with 
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Our PTF runs an after school Lego Club for the kids, and we excited for another year! We will continue to have board games available in addition to the Lego fun, as they have been a hit with the kids. This club will run the 
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The time to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child is almost upon us.  This year our event will take place on November 21st for high school and November 22nd for elementary. Again, this year, each class will be given a time slot to go to 
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Newsboys Concert Friday – March 13, 2020 at 7:00PM Sherman Theater Stroudsburg Join us for the rare opportunity to hear one of the most influential bands in Christian music at a local venue!! PTF has reserved group seats for this exciting concert, and we invite 
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Schedule A Visit Today INFO
Call the office at 610-588-3414 to make an appointment for a tour of our school.
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