Tuesday, August 27th

Back-To-School Night is an important time for you to receive needed information to set your student up for a successful year. We are asking for at least one parent from each family to be in attendance (with the exception of Kindergarten families because you had a separate orientation earlier this month).

If you have students ONLY in grades 1 – 5, you may choose your time slot between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 27. Report to your child’s classroom, receive information from the teacher, and then go to the gym for a packet from the office.

If you have ONLY ONE student and that student is in MS (gr 6-8) or HS (gr 9 – 12), you need to follow your student’s schedule according to one of the two blocks below:

6:10       Period 1                                                            7:00       Gym to pick up packet

6:20       Period 2                                                            7:10       Period 1

6:30       Period 3                                                            7:20       Period 2

6:40       Period 4                                                            7:30       Period 3

6:50       Period 5                                                            7:40       Period 4

7:00       Period 6                                                            7:50       Period 5

7:10       Period 7                                                            8:00       Period 6

7:20       Gym to pick up packet                                      8:10       Period 7

If you have an elementary student and either a MS or HS student, you need to visit the elementary classroom at 6:00 p.m. and then proceed to travel your MS or HS student’s schedule as above.

If you have multiple elementary students and one MS or HS student, please visit the elementary classrooms and then follow the second block listed above.

If you have more than two MS and/or HS students, parents may need to separate and each cover the needed schedules (divide and conquer!).

Please make sure to stop by the gym for your family’s packet. Thank you for setting aside this evening (August 27) to help position your student(s) for success!


Schedule A Visit Today INFO
Call the office at 610-588-3414 to make an appointment for a tour of our school.
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